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Harrisburg South Middle School
http://southmiddleschool.harrisburgdistrict41-2.org/Here at HSMS we take great pride in our abilities to provide all students an opportunity to learn and grow in a positive climate; recognizing each student as an individual. The ultimate purpose of education is to help each student become an effective citizen in our school, community, state, and nation. By helping students develop and accept the responsibilities and obligations of good citizenship, we will help students to participate successfully in the world of tomorrow. Abigail Adams said, “Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.” It is our hope that all students will participate in our classrooms and co-curricular activities thus find those things within our school which will prepare them to live a better life and take their place in society. From all of us here at HSMS, thank you for the opportunity to work with your children and to provide them a great educational experience. It is our hope that when your child leaves the halls of Harrisburg Middle School, they will be a better citizen and will have taken advantage of every opportunity that was provided for them. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at (605) 743-2567